Copywriting can be as easy, or as tough as honest talking your…

Balaka Ghosal
1 min readJun 24, 2020

Nobody did it as good as David Ogilvy! He is so good and so downright honest. It almost hurts sometimes, doesn’t it?

And yet we read on! He cut the path of direct response marketing. Oh boy, what an amazing path that is. As customers, we are happy wanting to buy the stuff. As copywriters, we are happy to be ‘talking’ the copy.

I just signed up to be the Circle of Success member of AWAI, the American Writers and Artists Inc., I have been a life member for a while but upgrading to the inner circle of success meant so much. Loving every bit of the experience.

Helping others reach out to the world of prospective clients is such an amazing experience. It totally feels like service. And it humbles me as much as it energizes me to do more.

It never felt so good until now. A clear sign that I am growing!

Thinking different! Thinking good!

Originally published at on June 24, 2020.

